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Are you Missing the Key to Success?…

Are you Missing the Key to Success?…

Are you currently struggling to reach your objectives? Do you have everything in life that you desire? Is it easy for you to reach your goals after every success? Are you calm and patient at all times? Or, are you frustrated, angry and disappointed at your lack of progress? If you are not living the life you wish to live then the solution lies in your Mind!

Your mind has two parts, the conscious, thinking, logical part and the unconscious part. Your conscious mind is the part of your mind you are using right now to read and analyse these words. However, it is your unconscious mind that is interpreting and assigning meaning to the symbols on the page and telling you what they represent. This part of your mind is more powerful than you can imagine and is capable of helping you in ways that are miraculous! Because you are Wonderfully made and way more powerful than you think!

Everything that has ever happened in your life is stored in your unconscious mind. It is literally an unlimited warehouse for your memories and emotions. This is an extremely important aspect of the unconscious mind. You need to have instant access to this stored information so that you can find your way home, remember names and faces, how to do your job, drive your car etc.. It is phenomenal and is there to serve you.

Not only does your unconscious mind store valuable information it is also the domain for all your emotions (and you believed your heart was the domain). For example, the emotion of pain and fear connected to certain activities or events, such as placing your hand too close to fire. When you find yourself getting too close to fire and feel the heat on your skin your unconscious mind will immediately alert you with a feeling of fear. This wonderful mechanism is designed to keep you safe and works extremely effectively. This is one of its highest, if not most important Prime Directive (Purpose), to “Preserve the Body!”

It also works to your advantage by replaying positive emotions connected to certain situations – think of a time when you caught a glimpse of your spouse or child, heard a piece of music or smelt some perfume or aftershave and were immediately reminded of an earlier time that evoked strong loving emotions. These can be referred to as triggers, which create an emotion and/or a behaviour.

Therefore, we can view your unconscious mind as acting, in its simplest role, as a recording and playback mechanism – a bit like a fully interactive video recorder. The things that happen to you in your life are recorded and then played back when you access those memories. The problem that often arises though is when incorrect or inappropriate emotional memories are accessed by the unconscious mind when you find yourself in new situations. If your unconscious mind has been “programmed” with negative emotions or a negative self-image then these are the things it will play back to you when you try something new or reach out past your comfort zone.

If you feel that your “programme” is not serving your desired outcomes and need a “reset”; then please reach out! Your Coach’s details are listed below! What if Life could better than expected, in Less time than you thought?

Reach out to your Coach! You can book your Free Information Session via zoom here:

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email: lifecoach@unalomenlp.co.za

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Unalome NLP is an NLP Life Coaching Centre based in Gordons Bay. Book your Free Discovery Session today! Available via Zoom and Teams, anywhere in the World!


Tammy Dicks ~ Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Psychology. Director & Founder Unalome NLP(Pty)LTD lifecoach@unalomenlp.co.za www.unalomenlp.co.za

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