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18 Advantages Listing on our Directories

18 Advantages Listing on our Directories

December 13, 2021

1.      More than just back links to your website. There was a time when directories w

Stellenbosch Top 20 Wineries for YOU and your Tots

Stellenbosch Top 20 Wineries for YOU and your Tots

October 21, 2021

Want to know what the best FAMILY-FRIENDLY Cape Wineland destinations are? Join @WineTots as we reveal our 20 best

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make changes to my listing during the subscription period?


Just login to your account and make changes as you wish. To preserve the integrity of the website all changes have to be approved my the administrators.

Can i submit more than one company?


You can submit as many companies as you wish. Once you submit more than two companies we will advise you of an additional discount for support.

What are the differences between the free listing and the paid listing?

There are a number of differences. 

  1. Free listings are only allowed to list in 5 categories while paid can list in up to 40 categories.  Each additional category is like having an additional listing and increases you chance of being found on the internet.
  2. Free listings are not allowed to post any images. Paid listings can add up to 10 images in addition to a header image.
  3. Advanced listings show above free listings in search results. This increases teh chance of paid listings being selected before free listings.
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