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If you answered yes, then now is the best time to sell your gold.

There is no best time for everyone as a standard. The right time tends to be when the cash received can be best applied to an important or critical need. That may be a car repair, medical bill, home improvement, filling a pay gap, or a big event like an anniversary or birthday. Stop worrying about trying to time the latest market. Just enjoy your opportunity now. We are ready to help and meet you to evaluate your gold. You may be shocked at how much its worth. Contact or What’s app Natacha 0795672888

We pay cash for any gold jewellery (even if broken). Rings, earrings, bracelets, chain, bangles, pendant, Kruger Rands, Diamonds, silver and platinum and gold teeth.  Top Prices paid. We can meet at home or office or at after hours. We cover all areas in the Western Cape. Please contact us for a free evaluation of your gold items. There is no obligation to sell. Stellenbosch Gold Exchange is a licensed Business authorised do trade under the provisions of section 4 of Act 23/1955

  • Cash for Gold, Platinum, Silver (Even If Broken)
  • Top Prices Paid
  • Dealers Welcome
  • Fast Trustworthy Friendly Professional Service

Ons betaal kontant vir enige goue juweliersware (asook gebreekte).  Ringe, oorbelle, armbande, hangertjies, Kruger Rande, Diamante, Goud, platinum en silver muntstukke. Beste kontant pryse betaalbaar.  Ons kan u ontmoed in die privaatheid van u eie huis, werksplek of na ure.  Ons dek alle areas in die Wes Kaap.  Kontak ons vir ‘n gratis evaluasie op u items.  Daar is geen verpligtinge om te verkoop nie.  Stellenbosch Gold Exchange is ‘n gelisensieerde Besigheid en kan handel dryf onder die wet van seksie 4 wet van 23/1955

Please be assured that we try to offer the best possible prices and services all time.

Wees virseker ons poog ten alle tye om die beste pryse en diens aan u te bied.


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